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Nook Daycare is well known for its small, low-capacity daycare philosophy, emphasizing individualized care and attention. With several locations around the city, Nook is often in high demand for parents seeking a caring, eco-friendly environment for their very young child.
The staff and administrators at the Nook Daycare Center believe early childhood is a time for exploring, discovering, and creating oneself. It’s a time to meet the world through hands-on experience. Most importantly, it’s a time for being cherished as a unique individual. With our low student-teacher ratios, the programs at Nook can be very individualized.
The Nook Daycare Center is committed to the belief that every child can achieve, and that the first five years of life is the time to learn how to learn. Nook has crafted the perfect place for your child to grow and blossom. The carefully selected staff work together to give your child whatever is developmentally appropriate, helping them to achieve their fullest potential.
Play is the way very young children learn. At Nook, the children refine not only their gross-motor and fine-motor skills, but also their cognitive, social, emotional, and language skills. There are plenty of toys, materials, and play equipment for enriching activities both indoor and outdoor. Every child is free to explore at their own pace.
The Nook uses a combination of The Reggio Emilia Approach and The Creative Curriculum, combining these two Early Childhood theories to the benefit of your child.
The Reggio Emilia approach focuses on individualism, based on the current needs and interests of the child. Lessons are planned around the child’s interests to increase their knowledge of a subject. For example, if the entire class, a small group, or a single child expresses an interest in horses, the teacher will plan lessons around that. The children could make a horse out of play-dough, talk about who rides horses, or even go on a field trip to visit real, live horses.
While the children are encouraged to work together, they are acknowledged for their individual thoughts and ideas. Teachers are not givers of knowledge but rather guides and mediators for the children. The Reggio approach gives children the opportunity to learn through hands-on experience, permitting them to draw their own conclusions.
The Creative Curriculum perfectly fits with the Reggio Approach. With infants and toddlers, the Creative Curriculum places attention on the individual child. With infants and toddlers, the three main focuses are physical development, social-emotional development, and language development. This is crucial in the first 3 years of life.
Nook serves the children a wholesome, delicious, and organic breakfast, lunch, and snack. Because the food here is so enticing, children will enjoy eating their vegetables as well as fresh fruit. Everything is prepared on-site by professional, licensed chefs, with the finest quality organic ingredients.
We can also provide infants with our organic home-made baby food and bottles filled with organic house-formula. Nook also accommodates breast milk, as well as any other food or formulas a parent brings from home.
Finally, Nook provides parents with their Brightwheel app for daily updates on their child. Through the app, parents can see weekly lesson plans as well as pictures and videos of the kid’s daily activities. They’ll also receive important announcements and reminders. In addition to monitoring their child’s daily activities, parents are updated on diaper and potty training, daily meal consumption, and nap times.
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