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The Goddard School is a nationally acclaimed preschool and daycare service, where your child will enjoy learning. The Goddard School uses cutting edge, academically endorsed teaching methods to ensure that your child has fun while learning the skills needed for long-term success, taught by experienced professionals.
In 1988, Anthony A. Martino launched The Goddard School preschool franchise, with the goal of delivering a high-quality, play-based preschool learning program all over the country. Since that modest beginning, now enrolling more than 70,000 children in 38 states, The Goddard School has evolved into an institution that families know and trust.
Goddard Schools use the most up-to-date, academically supported methods, while ensuring that the children have fun while learning. The skills taught at the Goddard School give children the skills they need for long-term success, both in school and in life.
The Goddard School’s Educational Advisory Board is a well-educated group of academics, researchers, and child development experts. The latest developments in early childhood learning, brain development, parenting, health, and nutrition are included in the curriculum, shaping the play-based learning program. By putting the latest research into action, Goddard empowers children for school readiness, leading to a successful career and life.
Goddard uses F.L.EX. Learning Program to instill these core values:
Exploration and Play: Children learn best by doing, which includes working on projects, playing, and experiencing the daily challenges of life.
Diverse Skills: The curriculum balances academic pursuits with free play, life skills, as well as sports and hobbies.
Personal Empowerment: Children are encouraged to make their own decisions, explore their own interests, and most importantly, how to bounce back from failure; dealing with failure is vital to developing character, integrity, social skills, emotional intelligence, and executive function.
21st Century Skills: Emphasis is placed on both academics and developing cognitive skills. This includes critical thinking, communication, creativity, collaboration, and executive functions, helping children learn to succeed in a variety of environments.
Literacy and STEAM: The children are taught literacy, science, technology, engineering, arts, mathematics, so that the children are familiar and engaged with these subjects.
Individualization: The teachers meet each child’s individual needs by modifying the curriculum to the developmental level of each child.
Outdoor Play Time: Balancing classroom lessons with outdoor play in the facilities two playgrounds, the children enjoy the benefits of physical exercise, sunshine, and nature.
Risk and Failure: The children are allowed to safely face risk and overcome failure, developing resilience, self-confidence, self-awareness, and a sense of determination.
The classrooms at the Goddard School are divided into six age groups: infants, toddlers, preschool, pre-K, kindergarten, and school-age. Each age group is not only presented with educational opportunities, but also is emotionally cared for and nurtured by the staff.
Parents can rest assured that the Goddard School encourages healthy eating habits, and takes the steps to address any food allergies a child might have. The foods served are free from dyes, allergens, and food additives.
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