OneIMS is a results-driven online marketing agency, specializing in lead generation and customer acquisition programs. We help growth-oriented businesses increase online visibility so they can reach and acquire new customers consistently.
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The “IMS” in OneIMS stands for “inbound marketing solution,” and it’s based on the fact that 45% of sales people miss their quotas because they spend 67% of their time on non-selling activities. If sales teams are to reallocate that extra two-thirds of their time to sales activities, they need someone to sell to—in other words, a “full pipeline.” This is the “inbound” focus of OneIMS—filling that pipeline with qualified leads.
OneIMS goes about filling the pipeline with their trademarked “Lead Trifecta” system. Forget for a second that a “trifecta” has three parts and the OneIMS Lead Trifecta has five parts—or, as they call it, the “5D” process. Five dimensions, that is—none of the Ds actually start with the letter “D.” It’s a sophisticated, holistic implementation stack that consists of the following steps:
Premium Content Offer. Includes the design and formatting of the digital offer or experience.
Content Promotion. Includes social media promotion with data collection and iteration.
Lead Opt-In. Landing pages that deliver the digital product in exchange for collection of the prospect’s contact info as a lead.
Lead Nurturing. Value-giving email follow-up to warm up the lead for the sales call.
Sales Call. The sales team swings into action to close the deal.
Every step of the 5D process is tended to by members of the 50-person OneIMS team of experts. The results speak for themselves. OneIMS has a 97% client retention rate across over 500 clients, including marquee clients like Kmart, CostCo, and Samsung.
The Lead Trifecta and 5D process work for many, many businesses, but OneIMS has specialized knowledge in several key verticals:
Industrial and Manufacturing. It’s hard to “clickbait market” some of the high-ticket, complex products that come off the line of high-tech manufacturing operations. But in an industry as notoriously change averse as manufacturing, a specialized approach to digital marketing can work wonders.
Technology and SaaS. OneIMS inbound marketing strategies are tailor-made for the competitive, fast-evolving world of tech and SaaS, where the goal is to nurture customers for the long haul.
Professional Services. The secret sauce of professional service sales is credibility, which makes lead generation and lead nurturing one of the most effective strategies for converting leads into clients.
Financial. The data-driven approach that OneIMS takes to inbound marketing makes them a favorite for data-oriented fintech and financial services companies, especially those interested in boosting ROI and leaning down operations.
Home Services. Home services are like professional services with the added caveat that credibility has to be built quickly, as decisions are made quickly. With a compressed lead-nurturing period, special attention must be paid to get the right message to the right client at the right time. OneIMS has special contingencies in the lead trifecta tailored to home services.
You’ve probably seen the OneIMS “5D” process all over the internet—the clickbait, the opt-in for the free product, the email list nurturing, the sales call. It’s everywhere because it’s one of the most bankable, streamlined marketing strategies of the age. And it works for almost any business–if done right.
If you ever observed (or found yourself inside) this kind of marketing funnel and thought “Man, I wish I had one of those for my company,” OneIMS may be the way to go. They build the kind of lead funnels and customer journeys that are easy to automate and work for a lean automation. OneIMS is strategic about these “Lead Trifecta” architectures. They know when a lead needs a human touch, and they build that human touchpoint into your funnel.
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