What we all need right now is to get out and have some fun, and that is exactly what Replay Lincoln Park has delivered. Following growing fears that Halloween, much like the rest of the year, would be canceled, it has been announced that this is one event that is going full steam ahead.
Replay Lincoln Park has taken the bold step of opening up its back entrance to create a spooky and downright scary spot. There is also a Stranger Things pop-up which will launch on-site, and the bar will be using every bit of space available to add to the creepy goings-on. This is just what the city is crying out for.
Breaking Down Halloween During Times of Covid-19
Given the uncertain nature of the last eight months, everyone has been desperate to get out and enjoy themselves. Initially however, there was a lot of doubt cast on this, especially once we heard from the Illinois Department of Public Health. Speaking last month, department Director Dr. Ngozi Ezike had this to say:
“We are still in a pandemic, and unfortunately, this year, that means the safest way to celebrate is to stay home and plan virtual gatherings.”
This of course was greatly disappointing for those families and citizens who just wanted to indulge in something which would put a smile on their faces. Recognizing this, the Director followed up with this:
“That said, IDPH recognizes that some who will choose to gather together anyway, and instead of denying that reality, we are issuing guidance and recommendations for safer ways to celebrate together in person.”
There is certainly a lot of responsibility on the shoulders of the public to follow safety measures. With this being said, it will be wonderful for everyone to attend an event like this one put on by Replay Lincoln Park.
What To Expect At The Replay Lincoln Park Event
The team at Replay Lincoln Park has really gone above and beyond to create this blood-curdling experience. To get started, you will drive into the Alley of Darkness, an experience set to make your hair stand on end. We have covered the most haunted places to see in Chicago, but this experience may outdo them all.
To begin with, you will be shown a short movie which will set the scene in motion, and then, staying in your car, the action will begin. You will be in your vehicle for around thirty minutes, bearing witness to the horrors which befall you and your vehicle. There will be no leaving the car during this time, and you can expect some blood on the paintwork.
The cost is seventy-five dollars per car, and if you don’t have a vehicle then you can buy a ticket for twenty-five dollars and sit in a car provided by Replay Lincoln Park. Alternatively of course you could rent a car; we covered the best places to do just that in this piece.
The Alley of Darkness will be live from now until October 31, between 5 pm and 1030pm.
Hitting the Stranger Things Pop-Up
Once you have had the bejesus scared out of you, a cocktail could be the perfect fix, and that is what you’ll find at the Stranger Things pop-up bar. This is located on the patio at Replay Lincoln Park, right next to Chief Hopper’s Chevrolet Blazer. For just thirty dollars you can get a table for two for an hour with a drink included.
Tickets are not required for the Stranger Things pop-up, but the organizers have advised that it will be better to get them ahead of time, as the place will quickly fill up.
Enjoying Freedom Responsibly
Generally speaking, when rules and laws are made, they are created for everyone but aimed really at a very small percentage of us. This is very much the case with the rules around the pandemic–most of us respect them and follow them. Unfortunately, however, it only takes a few to force local authorities to make sweeping changes.
With this in mind, it is important to remember that in maintaining your distance and using a face mask, you’ll be helping to ensure that events like these can continue. Those flouting the rules could end up driving us all backward.