More and more people around the world, and especially in Chicago are getting fed up with strong chemical cleaners that are not only bad for your hands, but also not ideal for the environment. Coupled with the (almost exclusively) plastic packaging they come in, these products are being viewed less favorably.
Fortunately, we’re starting to remember the cleaning solutions of our grandmothers and grandfathers who didn’t have the convenience of mass-produced industrial cleaners. These cleaning solutions might not always be the strongest, but they certainly are enough to tackle most of your cleaning needs.
In order to learn more about these, we talked to cleaning professionals at Castle Keepers Greenville whose experience with green cleaning makes them ideal people to ask.
A Window Cleaning Agent
Have you ever wondered what is in a window cleaner? Here’s a revelation – it’s mostly water with a bit of rubbing alcohol, some dye, and a pleasant scent you associate with cleanliness. And that’s about it. No wonder, when you think about what it’s used for – cleaning hyper-smooth surfaces of very little dirt.
That makes it an ideal starting homemade cleaner. The best way to deliver window cleaner is a spray bottle, so you can mix the cleaner directly into one. Get some rubbing alcohol, some white vinegar, and water. Vinegar is not obligatory, but it does help. If you’re not a fan of the smell of either alcohol or vinegar, add some essential oils or other scents in there, and you’re pretty much done.
Put about 2 cups of water and a half cup of rubbing alcohol (and half a cup of vinegar if you choose to use it), and stir it until mixed properly. And you’ve got yourself a window washer.
General Cleaning Agent
If you’ve never used a universal cleaner, you should definitely try them. They are great for a range of applications, from cleaning floors to wiping down furniture and removing stains. They are at the ideal crossroads between being strong enough to tackle just about any stain you may have in your normal use, while also not being too abrasive and causing damage to the surfaces you clean.
Still, store-bought options may not be ideal for the environment. So, if you are looking for an alternative to an industrial cleaner or if you’ve run out of one and need to make some on your own, here’s how. And you will need only the items that you’re likely to already have in your home.
Mix a cup of water with the same amount of vinegar and drop something fragrant to neutralize the smell of vinegar. Citrus and pine smell works really well, but if you have other smells that you enjoy, by all means, try them out.
This cleaner might take a few days to combine and activate, but once it does, it can be used for a range of cleaning purposes. Just make sure not to use it on stone – the abrasive nature of the vinegar acid can damage your stone surfaces, particularly if they’re made of granite.
Heavy Duty Cleaner
If, however, you find yourself needing a more potent cleaning solution, just remember that you don’t have to go after the industrial stuff. It may take a bit of effort and time, but green cleaning solutions are available even for hard stains.
Borax used to be a very common cleaner, and many people still have it in their homes – and for a good reason. Mixed with some lemon, borax can really dissolve persistent stains if left to react for about 5 minutes. If the first go didn’t remove all of the stains, rinse and repeat.
Green cleaning solutions are all around us, and they are likely to become even more popular and important going forward. Try them out and see if they will work for you as well.