Fueled Events, a West Loop events planning firm, has announced CHI-Together, a social-distancing entertainment series. CHI-Together features drive-in movies, drive-in concerts and other entertainment events staged at the Soldier Field South Lot. The events kicked off on July 8, with a drive-in movie.
The audience will be kept safe with socially distancing, with designated spots for those arriving in cars, walk-ins, and bikes. To further the safety protocols, there will be a cashless concession stand, countless hand sanitizing stations, and “socially safe” restrooms.
The first drive-in movie featured the classic comedies, “Groundhog Day” and “Ferris Bueller’s Day Off” among others. Live entertainment and music kicked off the show.
Doors open every night at 7 p.m. with 90-minutes of music entertainment to start the evening of socially responsible fun, and the movies begin around dusk, at approximately 8:30 p.m.
Tickets are reasonably priced at $55 per car. You can visit chi-together.com to purchase tickets. A portion of the ticket price will be donated to the Greater Chicago Food Depository.
Extensive Precautions Will Be Taken for Everyone’s Safety
Audience members are advised to follow these safety precautions for the benefit of all.
- Masks are required when anyone is outside of a vehicle. PPE can be purchased on site.
- Tickets can only be purchased online. No tickets will be sold at the door to reduce person-to-person interaction and reduce the transmission of the virus.
- Every-other parking space will remain empty to promote and maintain social distancing.
- No more than 6 people per spot are allowed.
- Audience members are asked to stay inside their vehicles if they are not using the “socially safe” restrooms, or purchasing from the cashless concession stand.
- Audience members are allowed to sit on their vehicles or directly in front of them. The empty spaces between vehicles are there to create a socially safe environment. This rule will be strictly enforced by staff and security.
- Attendees who do not follow social distancing will be ejected from the event. No refunds are given.
- The names of ticket Purchasers will be collected to assist with contact tracing.
- Socially safe restrooms will be cleaned and sanitized constantly by a dedicated crew at a minimum of every 15 minutes.
- Four socially safe restrooms will be placed at each corner of the lot to prevent audience cross-over and contact.
- Each socially safe restroom will consist of 1 ADA-accessible stall and 3 standard restroom stalls, 2 hand sanitizing stations, floor markings for social distancing for waiting lines, and a dedicated sanitization crew member.
- The cashless concession stand will be marked with social distancing signage and strictly enforced.
- A list of recommended hygiene and sanitation guidelines will be sent to all ticket purchasers.
- The cashless concession stand is to minimize the risks related to human contact.
- The event parking lot is divided into four quadrants. Each quadrant will only be allowed to go to the restrooms or the concession stand in their quadrant and when advised to do so by staff.
Precautions that will be taken by Staff and Vendors
- Staff and vendors will be monitored daily with temperature checks at the beginning of each shift. If a temperature check is 4 points above average, that person will be required to leave.
- The names of staff and vendors’ names will be collected every day to assist with contact tracing.
- Masks are required at all times for staff and vendors.
- Frequent hand sanitizing is required of all staff and vendors.
- The Team Tent will have disposable masks and a sanitizing station.
- All equipment used by staff will be sanitized at the beginning and end of each shift. These include event packs, radios, and more.
- All parking spaces will be regularly sanitized using FDA recommended practices and products.
- Copious health and safety signage will be placed throughout the venue, constantly reminding staff and vendors about the importance of social distancing etiquette, hand, and respiratory hygiene.
- A self-screening questionnaire will be filled out every day by all staff.
- Any staff member who has contracted COVID-19 must follow all CDC guidelines before they can return to work.
- CDC cleaning and disinfecting guidelines will be followed for any staff member who tests positive for COVID-19.
- Any staff and vendors who have come into close contact with anyone diagnosed with COVID-19 is advised to self-quarantine per CDC guidelines.
- Team tents will be separated around the parking lot to help prevent contact with other groups. Audio/Visual, food services, and Fueled Events will each have separate team tents to help eliminate cross-contact.
CHI-Together Hygiene and Sanitation Recommendations
- Wash your hands for at least 20 seconds with soap and water before eating, during breaks, and when you return home from work. Moreover, wash your hands throughout the day whenever convenient.
- During the event, use the hand-sanitizing stations after using the socially safe restrooms, at the cashless concession stands, or when touching a high-contact surface such as counters and doors.
- When you cough or sneeze cover your mouth at the elbow, with your sleeve or a tissue.
- Always don a mask when in public. Masks are required when outside of your vehicle.
- Never touch the front of your mask. Every day, wash your cloth mask after using it.
- Never touch your face. Furthermore, avoid touching your nose, eyes, or mouth if you haven’t washed your hands.
- Always maintain a social distance of 6 feet from others. Avoid close contact with people in public spaces.