In what comes as some welcome news, it has been announced that ZooLights will be returning to Lincoln Park Zoo this year. This is great news for Chicago and it comes at a perfect time. While cases of Covid-19 are definitely increasing and may increase more this winter, Lincoln Park Zoo is helping us make new memories.
The only snag is that for the first time in twenty years, the event will require payment in order to enter. Still, the announcement of the ZooLights festival is great news for Chicago and its residents.
The Fee Won’t Ruin The News
While this will be the first time in a long time that visitors will have to pay for ZooLights, the five dollar entry price won’t put many off. Understandably, this is a fee which is there to help the zoo to recoup some losses of this year. Additionally, this is a cost which will help to manage the event under the new, tougher conditions.
Regarding the price, zoo director Megan Ross wrote the following in a press release;
“Unfortunately we are not in a position to staff and operate the extended hours with the limited capacity of visitors required based on state guidelines without some public investment. We are charging a nominal admission in order to help us break even and still bring this beloved holiday tradition to the zoo.”
Why ZooLights Is Great News For Chicago
There are a number of reasons why this is such great news for Chicago. The first is the mental health benefit–that feeling that something which usually happens is actually taking place. The city has witnessed so many cancelled events, as well as the closure of our favorite businesses, which we covered here. Having an annual event take place is huge for so many in the city.
Beyond this, there is also the relief for so many who can now not only go out, but go out to enjoy themselves. There has not been a great deal of enjoyment this year, and something like ZooLights is just the perfect tonic for the issues which we’ve faced.
We reported earlier this month what the Lollapalooza executive said about the possibility of not attending concerts until 2022, providing a worrying indication that we may not see large gatherings for a long time to come. Thankfully ZooLights is something which can be managed, and gives the public something to enjoy.
To those unaware, ZooLights will see the installation of millions of LED bulbs, which are installed in and around the Lincoln Park zoo. Once the darkness falls, this beautiful display lights up the zoo in a variety of colors, adding a seasonal sense to the place. This year will also see Santa meet-and-greet, as well as carol singers and ice sculptures.
What You Need To Know About The Event
The event will be live between November 21 through to January 3. To get tickets, you will need to book online at a cost of five dollars. There will be five free nights which are held on November 24, December 9, 17, 21 and 29–these will also need to be booked online.
Tickets for the event are on sale right now, so don’t miss out on your chance to snap up some tickets while you can.
Small Steps Forward
It may not seem like much, but the arrival of this event is not just great news for Chicago, but for the state on the whole. There is certainly a feeling that this offers a small step into a brighter future.
There has been a great deal of understandable concern around Christmas and what conditions and guidance families can expect. While we are still unsure of what things will look like in two months, at the very least we know that we can kick start the holiday season with an event like this, which will offer some relief to so many.
Social distancing and mask wearing will be required at the zoo, and there will be sanitation stations across the park. Remember that in order for us to continue having events like this, it will be important that everyone ensures that they follow the rules.